Andalucian Gazpacho

Gazpacho is a refreshing cold soup from the Mediterranean–most notably Spain–made from raw vegetables and tangy seasonings.

A Mexican tweak on traditional Andalucian gazpacho is to add creamy, pureed avocado, a fruit native to Mexico and Central America, to the blended base, or add cubed avocado to each bowl as a garnish when serving.

gazpacho soup

Andalucian Gazpacho ingredients

  • 6 small, ripe tomatoes, peeled and chopped coarsely
  • 4 small cucumbers, finely chopped
  • 1 green pepper, finely minced
  • 1 clove garlic, finely mashed
  • 2 T grated carrot (optional)
  • 2 T grated onion
  • Cold water
  • 2 T lemon or lime juice
  • 2 t dry mustard
  • dash of  Tabasco
  • salt and pepper

Combine tomatoes, cucumber, green pepper, garlic, carrot, and onion. Add cold water to cover. Can be mixed in blender or pounded in a mortar and pestle for a creamy soup, or finely chopped or run quickly through food processor for chunkier soup.

Add lemon juice, dry mustard, Tabasco, and seasonings. Chill at least 8 hours.

If desired, serve with a spoonful of coarsely chopped tomato and cucumber a dab of sour cream.

A chunk of day-old bread, softened in water, can be added to the blended soup to provide a thicker consistency.