Székelygulyás: a rich pork and sauerkraut stew (goulash), perfect when accompanied by dumplings, noodles, potatoes or rice.
This simple and straightforward recipe was translation by Dad from Az Ìnyesmester Szakácskônyve (The Expert’s Cookbook).
Ingredients for Segadin (a Hungarian pork and sauerkraut stew)
- 1 onion, finely chopped
- 1 T lard (or oil)
- 2 lbs. pork
- 2 lbs. sauerkraut
- Flour
- Sour cream
Brown the finely chopped onion in 1 T lard, with paprika. Add 2 lbs. diced pork. Cook until tender. In separate pan, warm 2 lbs. sauerkraut. Thicken with flour. Mix together with pork and sour cream to taste.